SEND Information
SEND- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
At Norton Canes Primary Academy we celebrate and nurture the unique gifts and talents of each and every child working to meet their needs as part of their own child development enabling them to flourish and thrive as supported by our ethos -FLY HIGH.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children irrespective of gender, special educational needs, disability, language spoken, race, colour or religion. We strive for excellence and have the highest commitment to supporting, challenging and nurturing all children in school through Quality First Teaching.
We recognise that some children may need additional support to allow them to access the curriculum so use a graduated approach to removing barriers to learning that some children may experience. This will be initiated by the child’s class teacher and supported by the SENCO and Inclusion Manager. We work in close partnership with home and external professional learning support agencies to ensure personalised provision is embedded for our children. We want every child to discover and achieve their potential, both academically and personally, to be stimulated and challenged, to take responsibility and above all to enjoy this primary stage of their education.
If you have any questions regarding Special Educational needs, concerns you have about your child or would like more information about our plans and support, please contact our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Helen Clark or our Inclusion Manager, Miss Julie Farmer on 01543 279402 or email [email protected]