Morning Nursery
Afternoon Nursery
We learn through our Norton Quests. Why don't you take a look..
Let's Read!
Sharing stories over and over again is very important for Nursery children. Repeating words, a concept or a skill allows children to form an understanding and even attempt to imitate it. You will often hear young children retelling their favourite stories, imitating the readers voice for characters and exciting parts of the story. Let’s share our stories with great enthusiasm and expression because this is how we become brilliant readers!
If you want to hear some of Mrs Clark's favourite stories, just click on the books below!
We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt!
What happens in Nursery in the morning/afternoon?
- Hello song/Days of the week song
- Child initiated play/Adult led activities
- Snack
- Outdoor play
- Story time/Singing nursery rhymes
- Home time
What do we have for snack?
Daily fruit Milk Water
Sometimes we have a 'special snack'. This can be related to our Mini Mission or a yearly celebration e.g. Diwali.