Star Wars
Year 5 received a message from Darth Vader today informing them that we had been recruited as new members of the Galactic Empire. Their mission is to become a new Sith apprentice and travel back in time to ensure the Resistance never succeed in defeating the Empire... changing the course of history in the process!
Over the next few weeks, children will learn all the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure that the mission is a success.
First, they had to take part in a series of challenges using their shooting talents to aim, run, shoot and support one another. In addition, they demonstrated great teamwork and battle instincts against the stormtrooper sent by the Empire to train them.
Following the day of training, Year 5 worked on their creativity and artwork designing pastel colouring to enhance mood.

Year 5 conducted a very important mission - investigate air resistance to assist the re-design of the Empire's famous Tie Fighter jets. We had to test which air craft travelled through the air quickest, record our results and analyse the data to provide vital information.

We discovered that the Resistance were hiding within our very own Solar System, and to find them successfully we would need to learn about the planets, the Earth's rotation and revolution, day and night and the orbit of the Earth around the sun.
To end our mission, we invited parents in to create our own fighter jets, characters and compete against one another in a quiz - recapping all of our learning from the mission.