Children can bring a packed lunch into school into school or order a school lunch.
Shire Catering provide meals for our school. Shires are passionate about providing great tasting, healthy, locally sourced food.
- 75% of meals are freshly prepared
- 50% of produce is locally sourced
- All meals are offered with salad, wholemeal bread and vegetable selection.
- No salt or sugar is added to meals.
- All eggs we are free range.
- All cakes and biscuits on offer are freshly made.
- Once a week an assortment of fresh fruit and yoghurt’s is the only pudding option.
- All puddings are made using reduced sugar recipes and fresh fruit is available daily.
The cost of a school lunch is £2.60 per day and can be paid via your parent pay account.
The menu for the following week is sent home each Friday, allowing parents to select meals for their children.
All children all eat together, whether they bring a packed lunch or purchase a school meal.
Lunchtime superivison is not covered by the 30 hour code, however we aim to keep the cost as low as possible for parents. The cost of lunchtime supervision is £2.50, for 45 minutes 11.45am - 12.30pm.