Year 5
Year 5 Team
Mrs Jones - Class Teacher and Reading Lead
Miss Wright - LSA
Miss Mansfield - LSA
Pupils in Year Five have PE each Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that pupils come to school in their PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms and trainers) and that earrings have been removed as well as long hair being tied back. We aim to have PE outside as much as possible pupils are also encouraged to wear tracksuit bottoms and a warm jumper over the top of their usual kit.
In Year 5, children are expected to be reading at least 3 times a week. This can be a combination of their Big Cat banded books, library books or books from home.
Children have spellings to practise each week. These are made up of the Year 5&6 statutory spellings and spelling rules. Children have a login to the Lexia Core 5 reading program and we ask that the children spend 30 minutes a week on this.